Do you see faces everywhere? I definitely do - and I'm not talking about faces in Rorschach tests - faces in everyday items? Seeing faces in everyday objects is actually a common psychological phenomenon called "pareidolia". Does it make a better photographer?
We have been talking lately about the general idea of perspective. Let's get a bit personal and take a peek into my brain and how I see the world on a daily basis. To begin with, I see light and shadows everywhere, which is crucial when creating an image. While most people understand when a room is bright or not, I see more than that.
Throughout the years, I have learned a lot about life through photography - one of these lessons is about perspective.
Whether in life or behind the lens, your perspective on a topic determines what you see, how you feel and react, and how you share that topic with others. The key is finding the right perspective for each shot, or life situation.
Welcome to 2021! As we begin this new year, we know that live events and your photography needs are still a bit in flux. Regardless, we want to wish you the best in all of your new opportunities and adventures this year.